recette gâteau au cassis à la crème de cassis Briottet

Blackcurrant cakeBlackcurrant Liqueur

recette gâteau au cassis à la crème de cassis Briottet


José, the owner of the restaurant “Le Goret” in Beaune received us in his kitchen to share some recipes with us.

A blackcurrant cake with Briottet blackcurrant liqueur (see below) and an apple and mushroom granita with Briottet Chestnut Liqueur.

Let’s get to work!


Recipe for 6 people

Recipe card


  • Blackcurrant berries - 400 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Blackcurrant pepper
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Fluid cream - 15 cl
  • Eggs - 6
  • Almond powder - 70 g


Heat the blackcurrant berries and butter. Add the Briottet blackcurrant liqueur. Add a pinch of blackcurrant pepper and 50g of sugar to remove the acidity of the blackcurrant.

In a bowl, mix the flour, the remaining sugar (150g), the almond powder, the cream and the eggs.

Mix the blackcurrant mixture with your mixture.

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