
Half-cooked foie gras with blackcurrant and blackcurrant cream chutneyCrème de Cassis de Dijon



The end of year festivities are coming. You’re looking for ideas for your Christmas meal… Every year the same story! You’re afraid of going into recipes that are too complex and time-consuming to make, so you stick to the classics. We understand you!

Do you also think that foie gras is too complicated to make yourself? Think again! Claire Briottet has found a simple recipe and spiced it up with Briottet Crème de Cassis de Dijon.

Preparation in 4 steps, no more. The word of a liquorist, an amateur in the kitchen!

Recipe card


  • Foie gras cru surgelé - 1kg
  • Poivre - 5g per kilo
  • Sel - 10g per kilo


1. Take your foie gras out of the freezer beforehand: 24 hours in the refrigerator and then 1 hour at room temperature before starting the recipe.

2. Separate the 2 lobes of the foie gras. If you bought a denervated foie gras, it's perfect: one less step!
If not, simply remove the nerves and veins with your fingers, or even tweezers!
Do not hesitate to damage the liver, it will be reconstituted during cooking. Gather the pieces.

3. Spread your liver on a plate and season it with salt, pepper and Crème de Cassis de Dijon. It should permeate the whole liver.
If you have time, you can leave it in the fridge overnight.

4. Hop! Head for the oven preheated to 160°C, for 5 to 6 minutes. As soon as there is 1cm of fat around, take the foie gras out of the oven.
Once out, put the foie gras in a bowl and press it down to remove the air. Let it cool and put it in the fridge once it is cold. That's it!
Wait about 3 days before eating.

To accompany your foie gras, you can prepare an onion chutney with Crème de Cassis de Dijon:
First, fry the onions for about 40 minutes, covered, over a very low heat. Once they are well melted, pour in the Crème de Cassis de Dijon and cook for another 35 to 40 minutes, without covering, until the liquid is completely reduced.
