recette cocktail hazel fashioned avec liqueur de noisette

Hazel-FashionedColin Lach @Monsieur Moutarde

recette cocktail hazel fashioned avec liqueur de noisette


Discover the Hazel-Fashioned cocktail with Hazelnut Liqueur, Whiskey Bourbon and Chocolate bitters.

The Old-Fashioned cocktail is one of the great classic cocktails. It’s here twisted with hazelnut and chocolate resulting in a richer cocktail for this Hazel-Fashioned cocktail.

Recipe card

Ingredients - 1 Pers.

  • Hazelnut Liqueur - 1cl
  • Whiskey Bourbon - 6cl
  • Chocolate Bitters - 3 dashes


  1. Add the 3 ingredients to the pre-chilled glass
  2. Add a good quantity of ice
  3. Stir with the barspoon
  4. Garnish with the chocolate and serve