recette cocktail liqueur de pamplemousse rose briottet

Summer MadnessDanilo Frigulti (IG : @nomadlondon)

recette cocktail liqueur de pamplemousse rose briottet


Cocktail based on Briottet Grapefruit Liqueur.

Cocktail awarded second prize by the jury in the Briottet Spritz competition (summer 2022).

Created and developed by Danilo Frigulti (IG: @nomadlondon).

Recipe card

Ingredients - 1 Pers.

  • Briottet Grapefruit Liqueur - 4.5cl
  • Lager - 7cl
  • Saké Yuzu - 2,5cl
  • Grapefruit juice - 1cl
  • Bitter pepper - 10 drops
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Chili - 1 drop


  1. In a shaker, mix the Briottet Grapefruit Liqueur, Sake, grapefruit juice, chilli and honey.
  2. Shake the mixture and strain it into a Hurricane glass.
  3. Pour in the lager.
  4. Strain twice.
  5. Garnish with a grapefruit wedge and add a straw.