Icone panier

Arquebuse40 %

Arquebuse 40 Briottet 1 Litre Picto photo
Our Arquebuse, 40% alcohol, a non-sweet spirit, is obtained using plant distillate : Sage, Thym, Rosemary, Anise, Balm. To be savoured at the end of a meal.

Our Arquebuse, 40% alcohol, a non-sweet spirit, is obtained using plant distillate : Sage, Thym, Rosemary, Anise, Balm. To be savoured at the end of a meal.

You can’t buy our creams & liqueurs on this website if you live abroad. However, you can contact us to know where you can find our products in your country.

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Arquebuse 40 Briottet 1 Litre

Drink at the end of a meal.

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