recette cocktail liqueur de rhubarbe briottet

Rhubarb and Custard SpritzShaun Marron (IG : @spiritcirclebefast)

recette cocktail liqueur de rhubarbe briottet


Rhubarb and Custard Spritz a cocktail made with Briottet Rhubarb Liqueur.

Third prize winner in the Briottet Spritz competition (summer 2022).

Created and developed by Shaun Marron (IG: @spiritcirclebelfast).

Recipe card

Ingredients - 1 Pers.

  • Briottet Rhubarb Liqueur - 3cl
  • Shortcross Irish Poitin - 3cl
  • Lemon Juice - 3cl
  • Cinnamon Syrup - 1cl
  • Cream - 5cl
  • Cream Soda - 7.5cl


  1. Combine all ingredients except cream and cream soda.
  2. Pour this mixture over cream. Leave to settle, then strain through a sieve to remove any solid bits.
  3. Pour the liquid into a chilled glass.
  4. Add half a large ice cube to the glass.
  5. Top up with cream soda.
  6. Add half a large ice cube to the glass.
  7. Top up with cream soda.