recette cocktail liqueur de rose briottet

Kiss Me CherryCharlotte Drillon

recette cocktail liqueur de rose briottet


Cocktail made with Briottet Rose Liqueur, Briottet Guignolet and Briottet Arquebuse.

Cocktail presented to the jury during the Briottet Spritz competition (summer 2022).

Created and elaborated by Charlotte Drillon, from restaurant Jan, Michelin starred.

Recipe card

Ingredients - 1 Pers.

  • Briottet Rose Liqueur - 4cl
  • Guignolet Briottet - 3cl
  • Arquebuse Briottet (40% plant alcohol without sugar) - 2cl
  • Sparkling wine - 6cl
  • Soda water - 2cl


  1. Mix all ingredients in a shaker (except wine and soda water).
  2. Pour into a chilled glass and add the wine and soda water.
  3. Add crushed ice.