Icone panier
Burger pomme foie gras Cassis de Dijon Briottet, par le chef Jean-Alain Poitevin, dans les cuisines du Château de Chailly

Apple Foie Gras and Blackcurrant Burger

Jean-Alain Poitevin, Chef of the Château de Chailly kitchen, imagined an uncommon burger recipe!

Take out the silverware, it’s a simple recipe that will impress your guests that we offer here.


Recipe for 1 person


Blackcurrant liqueur by Gérard Briottet Briottet
1 little glass
  • foie gras escalope
  • Apple
  • Shallot


Cut an apple in two parts, it's your burger bread!

Brown your foie gras and put the apple slices in the same pan.

Let's comfit a shallot in Briottet Blackcurrant Liqueur.

1, 2 or 3 floors for your burger? Your choice!

This recipe is
brought to you by

Jean-Alain Poitevin, Chef of Château de Chailly