4 March 2025 - NewsBlackcurrant harvest report 2022

This year, the blackcurrant harvest was early: it started on 20 June in Burgundy. Until a few years ago, the harvest started at least 15 days later.

The “Noir de Bourgogne” blackcurrant harvest was strongly impacted by frost, then storms and finally the heat wave… Our Burgundy farmers were not spared.

The damage caused by the bad weather resulted in some of the blackcurrant berries being cooked, dried out and totally lost when they fell to the ground before being harvested. The damage even affects the plant itself in some situations, with heat-burnt foliage…

As a result, some producers have recorded losses of up to 70%.

But don’t panic, if the weather has affected the quantity of our harvest, it will not affect the quality of our fruit and therefore of our products, made in Burgundy (please 😃).

Discover now our whole range Briottet Blackcurrant Liqueur 👉 https://briottet.fr/en/product-category/blackcurrant-liqueur-cassis-de-dijon/


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