Icone panier

EDMOND BRIOTTETa century-old brand of liqueurs

Heiress of a wine house, our house was created in 1836. In the 1900s, faced with the growing popularity of the «blanc-cassis» aperitif, Edmond Briottet gradually abandoned wine trading to focus on the manufacture of Crème de Cassis. Since then, generations of Briottet have succeeded each other and the range of liqueurs has been enriched with about sixty references.

Originally, Briottet was not yet called Briottet. It was not until the early 20th century that Edmond was born. Indeed, the story begins with wine. And yes, in Burgundy, nothing surprising. In 1836, the company is a wine house created by James Demontry. The latter owns vineyards in Chambolle-Musigny.

We had to wait until the creation of the Crème de Cassis in 1841 to initiate the turn of liqueurs. Before that date, the product we know today did not exist. We were talking about ratafia of blackcurrant is to say a mixture of strong alcohol with blackcurrant juice. It is Auguste Denis Lagoutte who has the idea of macerating the blackcurrant berries in neutral alcohol. The origin of blackcurrant cream is Dijon. It has become very popular, particularly thanks to the rise of blackcurrant-white. So much so that at the end of the 19th century, the liquorist activity came to complete the activity of our wine house.

Edmond Briottet came into the business at the beginning of the 20th century. He took over the business from his father-in-law Jules Theuriet. The wine and liquorist business coexisted for several decades.

In parallel, in the 1940s, the wine business was stopped. The liqueurs business was sufficiently developed. Now, efforts are focused solely on blackcurrant cream and other liqueurs such as Guignolet.

So in our photo gallery, you will find labels with the brand Theuriet, Edmond’s father-in-law. On other labels, the two Theuriet-Briottet brands are associated. Then only the Edmond Briottet brand remains. The Edmond Briottet brand is today a brand more than a century old in liqueur.

The reputation of our house is based on the Crème de Cassis. This is explained by our history of more than a century and a know-how transmitted from generation to generation.

plaque james demontry briottet
Maison Briottet established
A former wine trading company, our firm was established in 1836 by James Demontry who at that time owned a vineyard in Chambolle-Musigny in Burgundy.
Crème de Cassis (blackcurrant cream) invented
Blackcurrants were first of all used to make Ratafia de Cassis (a sweet blackcurrant aperitif drink). Our forebears macerated blackcurrants in wine and then added eau de vie (a distilled beverage) and sugar.
It was more rotgut than liqueur, it was not until 1841 that a fruit-liqueur maker in Dijon started making a blackcurrant liqueur (also known as cassis), by not using wine and eau de vie and by replacing them with “good taste” (neutral) alcohol, so as to change the flavour and the aroma of the blackcurrants.
Edmond Briottet started working in the business
In the 1900s, Edmond Briottet started running the firm set up by Demontry. His father-in-law Jules Theuriet, who had premises at 12 Rue Berlier in Dijon – who was also a wine trader – sold Briottet his company. the two businesses became one.
Given the growing popularity of the ````white wine-cassis```` aperitif, Edmond Briottet little by little stopped operating as a wine trader and instead switched over gradually to producing Dijon Crème de Cassis and started concentrating on the latter.
Fut et outil Briottet
Oak barrels gave way to concrete vats.
blanc cass
``Cassis de Dijon`` officially made an appellation (a protected name)
Given the success of the “white wine-cassis” drink and the fact that more and more people were drinking it, very quickly the limitations of Dijon Cassis became clear. Dijon fruit-liqueur makers then understood that regulations were required in order that their know-how be protected.
Thus, in 1923 the Dijon Court of Appeal acknowledged their expertise in laying down that “Dijon Cassis” had to be made in the city of Dijon.
In 1925 the Court of Appeal’s decision was confirmed by the Court of Cassation.
Élection du Chanoine Kir à la mairie de Dijon
Canon Kir elected Mayor of Dijon
In 1945, the election of Canon Kir, a legendary figure in French political life, as Mayor of Dijon helped Cassis de Dijon gain recognition. The Canon popularised ``vin blanc cassis`` (blackcurrant white wine), which has long been used for wine receptions at Dijon town hall.
More and more companies start producing cassis
Given the growing vogue for Dijon Cassis, more and more companies began producing cream of cassis. At that time about twenty or so firms were producing Dijon Cassis.
Vincent et Claire Portrait 2012
6th generation
Claire and Vincent Briottet joined the family business.
We enlarged our vat facilities
The last four concrete vats dating back to the 1920s were dismantled and replaced with made-to-measure stainless steel vats.
Geographical indication status awarded to Dijon cassis
Following several years of work, in 2012 Dijon Cassis was granted geographical indication status (published in the French Official Gazette in August 2013).
Geographical indication – or IG – is a European sign which came into being in 2008 as regards spirits. The sign provides a guarantee to consumers that one or more of a given product’s characteristics arise out of its geographical origin. The sign also ensures that the name “Dijon Cassis” is protected throughout the European Union.
As is the case for all products which carry marks relating to quality and origin, checks carried out by independent bodies enable it to be ensured that rules regarding the correct production area and the correct production particulars are complied with.
Briottet received the EPV label
We received “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV)” label in 2018. It’s a mark of recognition of the French State, put in place to reward French firms for the excellence of their traditional and industrial know-how.
This label is delivered by the Minister of Economy and Finance for 5 years.
Vincent et Claire HR pistolet cassis 2017 credit photo Edouard Barra
10 years for Claire & Vincent Briottet
10 years ago, Claire and Vincent Briottet joined the company. They contributed to develop the range with Basil liqueur, Maratruffe (Brandy & Truffle), Tonka bean liqueur or with the Cassis “Mousse”. In 2018, they decided to redesign the old label of the classic bottle “70 cl”. 2020 will be the year for ecommerce development.

EDMOND BRIOTTETa family story

Edmond Briottet has a long family history. Six generations succeed each other at the head of the family business:
Jules, Edmond, André, Jean, Gérard then Claire and Vincent.

The adventure begins with James Demontry and his wine house. But the family story begins with Jules Theuriet. It is located at 12 rue Berlier in Dijon, in the company’s current premises. Jules has a daughter named… Juliette!

In 1897, Juliette Theuriet married Edmond Briottet. The company was then called «Maison E. Briottet-Theuriet».

Edmond Briottet took over his father-in-law’s business and abandoned the name Theuriet. He kept only «Edmond Briottet» as his brand.

For the anecdote, Edmond is actually called Antoine. He does not like his name and is called «Edmond», which is not even his middle name! Coquettish, perhaps!… But Edmond manages the company very well. The company will pass both wars under his authority.

André Briottet, the 3rd generation continues the family adventure. Then Jean Briottet takes over the family business. Jean is very involved in the Syndicate and works to defend the Crème de Cassis with his colleagues.

Gérard Briottet joined the company. He modernized the company and replaced concrete and enamel tanks with stainless steel tanks. He bought the first bottling line in 1983. His dad was very concerned about these heavy investments. But Gérard avoided the family drama by developing the commercial part. He notably initiated the international and exported the Crème de Cassis.

The latest generation innovates. It forms a duo of brother and sister. Vincent and Claire, Gérard’s children joined the house in 2010.  For 4 years, they held various positions within the company. They learn alongside their dad the production part as well as the administrative part.

Since 2014, Vincent and Claire have co-directed Briottet. They are committed to continuing the work of their ancestors. Their ambition is to develop the company while maintaining authenticity and craftsmanship.

1848 - 1912
Jules Theuriet
Jules Theuriet, a wine trader, had his premises at 12 Rue Berlier in Dijon, the firm’s current site. He had a daughter – Juliette Theuriet – who married “Edmond” Briottet.
1ère génération
1871 - 1949
Antoine, known as “Edmond” Briottet
“Edmond” married Juliette Theuriet and managed the Theuriet business from 1912. He kept the name Theuriet for a while, but then dropped it and started using the name Briottet. Apart from his wine trading business, he started producing Crème de Cassis (blackcurrant cream).
1898 - 1966
André Briottet
André Briottet started running the firm when his father Edmond died, in 1949. André stopped his wine trading operations in order to devote his time solely to liqueurs.
1926 - 2012
Jean Briottet
Jean ran the business and put a lot of time into promoting Dijon Cassis and also the profession as a whole. He was Chairman of the Dijon Cassis Manufacturers Federation, of the Dijon Cassis Interprofession Committee, and lastly of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Wines and Spirits Federation.
Jean Briottet entreprise familiale
Gérard Briottet
Gérard, joined the company in 1977.
He developed a lot the company and started working abroad.
He launched “Crème de cassis de Dijon by Gérard Briottet », an exceptionnal blackcurrant liqueur.
He retired in August 2014.
Gerard Briottet 2007
Vincent and Claire Briottet
Claire and Vincent – Gérard’s children – joined the firm in 2010. They took over from him in 2014, when he retired.
Their goal is to develop the business built up by their forebears by respecting the tradition.
Vincent Briottet et Claire Briottet liquoriste